Solutions to hearing impairment should focus on prevention, early detection, management, and (re)habilitation. It may take a team of qualified individuals to carry out these initiatives, as well as leaders and persons vested in social and health services for hearing impaired persons. It requires a concerted effort in outreach, sustainable resources, motive, and leadership.
Preventing Sensorineural hearing impairment includes:
- immunizing children against childhood diseases, including measles, meningitis, rubella and mumps
- immunizing women of child-bearing age against rubella before pregnancy
- screening and treating syphilis and certain other infections in pregnant women
- improving antenatal and perinatal care
- avoiding the use of ototoxic drugs unless prescribed by a qualified health care worker and properly monitored for correct dosage
- referring jaundiced babies for diagnosis and possible treatment
- reducing exposure (both occupational and recreational) to loud noises by using personal protective devices and by engineering noise control
Preventing Conductive hearing impairment includes:
- early detection followed by appropriate medical or surgical interventions
Managing and Treating hearing impairment includes:
- building awareness of hearing impairment and provide an understanding of the many opportunities to prevent hearing loss
- raising awareness about the level of need, as well as the costs associated with hearing impairment
- training primary health care workers on ear and hearing health care
- preventing language and cognitive delays in babies and young children, with good early detection and treatment (hearing aids and habilitation) that can help with language development and progress in school
- making hearing aids affordable
- fitting hearing aids properly and make follow-up services more available
- requiring good habilitation services that maximize listening potential with the use of hearing aids and other devices such as cochlear implants
- providing good medical and education follow though
- training key leaders and change agents that provide direct service
- encouraging countries to identify populations of hearing impaired and to establish national prevention and treatment programs
Hearing Habilitation initiatives include:
- providing educators the tools and understanding of how to work with students affected with hearing impairment
- educating caregivers and parents on every level of hearing impairment
- working with parents and educators to foster solutions with limited resources
- building partnerships to provide affordable hearing aids and habilitation services
- collaborating with knowledgeable and experienced organizations that help foster educational support and habilitation services for children and their families
- exploring ways to build sustainable habilitation and education programs