Entries by Partners for A Greater Voice

Five Ways To Cultivate Partnerships

Stay Connected It is not always easy to keep in touch with parents and professionals who work in hearing health and aural habilitation. Perhaps you occasionally meet at school, at a weekly therapy session, or in your community. It is important to make time; for any relationship to remain strong, it needs to be cultivated […]


Time Out Parents! Take 30 Minutes for Self Care!

In a demanding world of parenting children with disabilities, self-care often takes a back seat. There exists an evolving sun and moon around the home, where unfaltering devotion and love drives parents to complete a ‘to do’ list. The fact that self-care falls short in a daily agenda is not surprising. In 2006, a report […]


Guide, Encourage, Motivate, Empower

Embracing physical, cognitive, and socioemotional growth of children begins by accurately informing parents and cultivating a supportive environment in which the child can learn and grow. Caregiver support, peer support, and community receptivity to the needs of children with hearing differences mean parents and caregivers have the knowledge and confidence necessary to advocate and educate. […]


Brief Meditation Exercise

A Partners for A Greater Voice parent survey in the U.S.A. reports that parents have high degrees and extremely high degrees of stress in their life when caring for their children with hearing loss (44%). Parents say they have anxiety and feel worried before an IEP meeting, or while dealing with their child’s behavior at […]
